The Association Maison Doucet Hennessy House Association Inc. was officially established by a volunteer group of heritage advocates in 2010. (See Constitution below)
The objectives of the Association are :
a) To maintain, restore and preserve the Doucet Hennessy House located at 375 St Peter Avenue, Bathurst, New Brunswick with a view to educate the public and commemorate this historical site.
b) to educate and inform the public of the historical Doucet Hennessy House by offering workshops, information sessions and coordinate public exhibitions in heritage, genealogy, arts and culture.
The Association is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors under the direction of an Executive Committee made up of a President, Treasurer and Secretary.
Since 2012, the Association has produced numerous studies and reports with the financial support of provincial and federal governments as well as through its own fundraising. See Reports page for details.
The Association regularly holds fundraising events and activities to raise awareness of the important history and heritage of the Doucet Hennessy House.
2009: Approval of a Local Historic Site / Approbation d’un lieu patrimonial local
2010: Constitution and By-Laws AMDHHA / la Constitution et les statuts